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Shanxi active lime production line

Shanxi active lime production line

Capacity: 400 t/h Processing materials : Limestone size of feeding material: 100-150mm Discharge Size: 5mm; 5-10mm;10-15mm Main equipment:hopper jaw crusherimpact crusherVSI sand making machineconveyorvibrating screenetc.

Processing Material: Equipment:
Magnetite beneficiation production line in Inner Mongolia

Magnetite beneficiation production line in Inner Mongolia

Capacity:40t/h Rawmaterial:lignite Rawmaterialmoisture:55% Finalmoisture:under5% Equipment:conveyor、burner、dryer、dustcollector、hopper、elevatorandsoon。

Processing Material: Equipment:
Fujian molybdenum ore beneficiation production line

Fujian molybdenum ore beneficiation production line

Averagecapacity:60t/h Rawmaterial : riversand Rawmaterialmoisture : 55% Finalmoisture : under 5% Equipment : conveyor 、 burner 、 dryer 、 dustcollector 、 hopper 、 elevatorandsoon 。

Processing Material: Equipment:
Jinshan talc mill production line

Jinshan talc mill production line

Averagecapacity:50t/h Rawmaterial : sludge Rawmaterialmoisture : 55% Finalmoisture : under 5% Equipment : conveyor 、 burner 、 dryer 、 dustcollector 、 hopper 、 elevatorandsoon

Processing Material: Equipment:
Zhuhai river pebbles sand production line

Zhuhai river pebbles sand production line

Capacity:5000tonsperday Rawmaterial:hematiteore Finalgradeoftheconcentrates:63% Equipment:storagebinjawcrusherfinejawcrusherballmillfeederclassifiercyclonehighgradientmagneticseparatoragitatorprogram-controlledreagentfeederfiltera

Processing Material: Equipment:
Turkish copper ore crushing production line

Turkish copper ore crushing production line

Capacity:5000tonsperday Rawmaterial:coppersulfide Finalgradeoftheconcentrates:63% Equipment:feedercrusherballmillclassifierflotationmachineconcentratorfilterrotarydryerandetc.

Processing Material: Equipment:
South Africa manganese ore crushing production line

South Africa manganese ore crushing production line

Capacity:3000t/day Rawmaterial:pebble Feedingsize:100mm Finished-productsize:lessthan5mm Equipments:rodmill、conveyor、sandwasher、finesandrecyclingmachine、 Vibratingscreen、feederetc.

Processing Material: Equipment:
Shandong 800 t / h cement production line

Shandong 800 t / h cement production line

Capacity:5000t/day Rawmaterial:steelslag Feedingsize:10-50mm Customerdemand:aftergrindingbeneficiationoftitaniumwithmagneticseparator Equipments:feeder、jawcrusher、conveyor、stockbin、rodmill、magneticseparator

Processing Material: Equipment:
Zhejiang Magnetite Ore beneficiation plant

Zhejiang Magnetite Ore beneficiation plant

Capacity: 5000 tons/day Raw material:magnetite Feeding size : 80 meshes Discharging size: 325 meshes Equipments: crusher 、ball mill 、classifier、magnetic separator 、pulp thickener 、filter separator etc

Processing Material: Equipment:
Oil Palm fiber rotary dryer plant in Malaysia

Oil Palm fiber rotary dryer plant in Malaysia

Zhejiang Magnetite Ore beneficiation plant Production line profile Production line details Accessory products Related case Zhejiang a superfine powder Co. Ltd. the company responsible for the sunzong in ultrafine milling industry for mor

Processing Material: Equipment:
Henan Song County Gold Mine to dip

Henan Song County Gold Mine to dip

Henan Song County Gold Mine to dip

Processing Material: Equipment:
Sudan wet mill customer site

Sudan wet mill customer site

Sudan wet mill customer site

Processing Material: Equipment:
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