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Gold ore type and ore dressing methods

Gold ore type, the dividing method each are not identical.According to the ore oxidation degree, can be divided into primary (sulfide ore) ore, partial oxidation (mixed) ore and oxidized ore.The characteristics of the oxidized ore, ore containing iron oxide and other metal oxide minerals and argillaceous (clay) ingredients.According to the actual situation in our country, and combining the beneficiation technological requirements and can be divided into:

A poor sulfide gold ore.Such minerals are quartz vein type and quartz vein type and veinlet disseminated type and so on, the sulfur content is less, more is given priority to with pyrite, in some cases associated with copper, lead, zinc, tungsten, molybdenum and other minerals.This kind of natural gold in the ore granularity is opposite bigger, gold is the only collection objects, the other elements or mineral or no commercial value can only be recycled as a byproduct.Adopt single flotation or simple technological process, such as whole mud cyanidation can obtain higher seeding index.

B sulfide gold ore.This type of ore, pyrite and arsenopyrite content in them like gold and recycling objects.The grade of gold is low, little change, natural gold particles is relatively small, and wrapped in pyrite.In the flotation of gold and sulfide out, generally more easily;But need to make gold and sulfur separation using complex mineral intergrowth combined process, gold recovery indicators will not too high.

C gold polymetallic ore.Such except gold ore, some containing copper, copper, lead, tungsten, antimony, lead and zinc silver etc. Several kinds of metal minerals, they are all in the value of mining alone.Its characteristic is: contain quite a number of sulfide (10 ~ 20%);Natural gold besides close symbiosis with pyrite, most closely symbiosis with minerals such as copper, lead,Natural gold in the thickness uneven disseminated, granularity interval length;For the comprehensive utilization of various kinds.These characteristics determine the this kind of ore generally requires a more complex process in ore dressing.

D containing telluride gold ore.Gold still to natural gold ZhuangTaiZhe multiple, but there are quite a number of occurrence of gold in gold telluride.This type of ore on the causes of low temperature hydrothermal deposit, gangue for quartz, chalcedony quartz and carbonate mineral.

E gold copper ore.This type of ore and the difference between the third class ore: gold grade is low, but can be used as one of the major elements of the comprehensive utilization of.Natural gold in the ore particle size medium, gold and other mineral paragenesis relations complicated.Mostly the enrichment of gold in ore dressing in copper concentrate, the recovery of gold in copper smelting.

Welcome to consult Henan Bailing Ore processing machine, 0086-371-67996061

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