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Metal mineral beneficiation method introduction

Iron ore:(1)Mineral crushing; (2)Grinding process; (3)Beneficiation technology; (4)Sintered pellets technology;

Manganese: choose machinery (including dressing, screening, gravity separation, magnetic separation and flotation), and vice set fire, chemical processing method, etc.

Chrome: using titanium machine, shaking table, spiral separator, centrifugal separator and belt chute choose don't, also use hydraulic sorting don't realized the shaking table.

Vanadium titanium magnetite: is it via a grinding, a coarse and a fine, a sweep of the magnetic separation process after magnetic separation of magnetite concentrate in the magnetotail.

Copper: Flotation, magnetic separation, gravity separation or wet smelting, etc.

Lead and zinc: generally use the magnetic floating, floating, heavy - magnetic - floating joint processing method.

Aluminum: Generally USES hand picking.

Nickel: (1) the flotation;(2) the classification of crushing, screening process in advance to remove weak differentiation degree, low nickel chunks of bedrock.

Cobalt: generally USES flotation.

Wolfram: according to the types of tungsten ore dressing is divided into black tungsten and tungsten.Ore dressing methods are hand-picked, re-election, flotation, magnetic separation, and electric separation method.

Tin: dressing method for gravity separation, flotation process.

Mo: mainly flotation method. Usually use Flotation Machine.

Mercury: is there a hand picking, gravity separation and flotation, which has been widely applied in flotation is the most effective.

Sb: mainly include hand picking, re-election, flotation, etc.

Platinum group: (1) the ball mill, reasonable use appropriate cyclone classification;(2) recovery;

Gold: gold in ore content is extremely low, extracting gold need the ore crushing and grinding fine and separate beneficiation methods make gold.Mainly of gravity separation and flotation.

Silver: (1) the flotation process;(2) a single flotation process and floating - gravity separation method, the combination of flotation cyanidation process, in which flotation is most important.

Niobium tantalum lithium beryllium: hand sorting method, chemical method, flotation or chemical - flotation combined method and warm method, the radioactive method, the grain of flotation method.

Sr: commonly used in the heavy stone clubs lapis lazuli ore dressing method, the structure of the most common process for jigging - table as the main body of the process.

Rare earth metals: generally obtained by magnetic separation, flotation concentrate contains about 60% of rare earth oxides.

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