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Gold Tank Leaching Process

Gold Tank Leaching Process

Lead and zinc ore beneficiation process

Conspectus of Mineral Processing

Tank leaching is one of the gold cyanidation processing methods, it is a low investment, simple and feasible way.


Gold tank leaching process is applied in dealing with fine grained gold or gold tailings, generally on a small scale.

Technology Advantage

Cyanide tanks are the main facilities for tank leaching process, which are often in rectangular shape. The size and quantity of the cyanide tank are based on the capacity, local conditions and leaching time. After construction, the work flow is loading, leaching, discharging. After the leaching process, get the tailing out of the tank by labor, belt conveyor or loader, and then, put into new tailing powders again. Then it comes to the process of gold displacement and smelting, the gold-loaded zinc wire is put into the hydrochloric acid solution to get gold mud, which is smelted to get the gold bullion.
If the project has a large scale, it can adopt the carbon adsorption, desorption, electrolysis and smelting method to deal with the pregnant solution.

Production Instance

A 10TPD gold tank leaching project in Songxian, Henan province, China. This project has the advantage of low investment, short construction period and simple operation by adopting the above technical process. It can produce gold bullion in one work flow and the metal recovery rate is about 70% .

Note: The above program is for reference only. The actual process should provide the type and content of the ore-related elements of the user how to develop programs

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